Illbruck tp600

TP6is an impregnated joint sealing tape for use in a wide variety of movement joints including window perimeter seals and other applications. Előre összenyomott, egy oldalon tapadó nyitott cellaszerkezetű,szintetikus gyantával impregnált PURszalag. Illbruck dagadó szalag tp600.

Weather tight against the . Adatok: Öntapadós fugatömítő szalag, fugák, rések és csatlakozások . ILLBRUCK TP6paisuva saumanauha harmaa. Impregnoitu, esipuristettu vaahtotiivistenauha. Valmistettu pehmeästä, palolta suojaavalla . A soft, flexible, open cell polyurethane foam tape impregnated with an acrylic based UV stabilised resin. The resin is water repellent and contains a fir.

TP6Compriband 6is an impregnated joint sealing tape for use in a wide variety of movement joints and other applications. TP6is a soft and flexible open-cell polyurethane foam, impregnated with an acrylic base UV stabilised resin for use in a wide variety of. Tweet about this on Twitter.

Shop with confidence on eBay! Materiał: TP6- to poliuretanowe miękkie tworzywo piankowe o otwartych porach, .

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